Rhyolite - comprising quartz,alkali feldspar and plagioclase as essential minerals,alkali feldspar predominates over plagioclase.
Dacite - comprising quartz,alkali feldspar (usually sanidine) and plagioclase as essential minerals plagioclase predominates over alklai feldspar.
Trachyte - comprising alkali feldspar(usually sanidine/anorthoclase) and plagioclase as essential minerals,characterised by flow/trachitoid texture.
Andesite - an intermediate rock comprising pyroxene/hornblende and plagioclase as essential minerals with quartz and potash feldspar as accessories (SiO2>52% and An <50)
Obsidian - is a glassy rock of rhyolite - dacite composition.
Basalt - comprising plagioclase and clino pyroxene as essential minerals,often contains vesicles and amygdules and pillows,variolites etc.
Komatiite - is an ultramafic volcanic rock that contains at least 18% MgO.It is charecterised by Spinifex texture,with skeletal olivine quench crystals.
Broad volcanic and plutonic equivalents
Rhyolite = granite,alkali feldspar granite and silica rich granodiorite.
Dacite = Granodiorite and tonalite.
Trachyte = Syenite.
Andesite = Quartz monzodiorite,quartz diorite and diorite.
Basalt = Gabbro.
Dolerite - comprising plagioclases and clino pyroxene (+ or -) olivine, Opx with ophitic and sub-ophitic texture.
Carbonatite is an intrusive or extrusive igneous rock that contains >05% of carbonate minerals like calcite,dolemite,siderite and ankirite.
Lamprophyre (both calc alkaline and alkaline) is a broad term to a group of hypabyssal igneous rocks (rarely extrusive) containing amphibole and or biotite + olivine, phroxene, melilite as phenocrystic phases and feldspars/feldspathoids as ground mass phase. They typically exhibit panidiomorphic and ocellar texture.
Kimberlite and lamproite (both hypabyssal and volcanic) are hybrid rocks containing crustal and mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts including diamond as well as crystallisation products or ultramafic-ultrapotassic magma. Both the rock types are charecterised by olivine, diopside and phologophite as major phenocrysts and ground mass phases and minor apatite, perovskite, Cr-ilmenite and Cr-spinel.
All these minerals or one of leucite, alkali-amphibole, enstatite and serpentine are characteristically present in lamproite and absent in kimberlite. Monticellite is present in kimberlite and is absent in lamproite. Kimberlites and lamproites are generally charecterised by porphyritic texture, Pelletal textures etc.